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loose leaf black tea
...balanced afternoon blend of black teas
Preparation guidelines: use 12 g of tea (approx. 5 tsp) for 1 l of boiling water. Allow to infuse for 3 minutes. Then strain.
Well-balanced afternoon blend of black teas. In a blend, there is a dominance of dark brown leaves complemented by tiny, bright green leaves. The infusion is brown-orange in colour and the taste aroma is reminiscent of oats, young hazelnut and tonka beans.
loose leaf black tea
...balanced afternoon blend of black teas
Preparation guidelines: use 12 g of tea (approx. 5 tsp) for 1 l of boiling water. Allow to infuse for 3 minutes. Then strain.
Well-balanced afternoon blend of black teas. In a blend, there is a dominance of dark brown leaves complemented by tiny, bright green leaves. The infusion is brown-orange in colour and the taste aroma is reminiscent of oats, young hazelnut and tonka beans.
Flavoured black tea with a distinctive spicy taste offset by sweet toffee
Flavoured black tea with a distinctive spicy taste offset by sweet toffee
Flavoured tea with the enchanting taste of red berries
Flavoured tea with the enchanting taste of red berries
A fine, ten-year-old Shu Pu-erh from the Jingmai District in Yunnan Province. It gives a dark brown infusion and boasts the rich aroma and taste of aged Pu-erh with a note of good Caribbean rum.
A fine, ten-year-old Shu Pu-erh from the Jingmai District in Yunnan Province. It gives a dark brown infusion and boasts the rich aroma and taste of aged Pu-erh with a note of good Caribbean rum.