OXALIS 2023 / 2024

4 In April 2023, we became a shareholder of the tea factory Tea Studio in South India, and are now one of the few European companies that produces tea solely in the country of its cultivation. Tea Studio is an innovative tea project, which produces the tea in a craft way. It was established in 2018 in Nilgiri mountains at the altitude of 1850 m ASL. It lies centrally in an area planted solely with large-leaf tea plants - to be precise a Thea sinensis assamica type. This whole area covers ca. 24 hectares and is still divided among multiple owners. Small farmers from a tribe called Bagda take care of tea bushes here. Theirown littlegardensareonly from0.1to0.2ha insize. The tea is harvested manually and only a bud and one leaf under is collected. There are no chemicals used during the production. One of the reasonswhy is the lack of the funds. For that reason, the whole tea production is absolutely pure. From the beginning, there is a strong emphasis on social responsibility and minimizing the negative effects of pollution. The garden uses the energy of liguefied gas and further energy production comes from its own solar power station. Tea Studio is exclusively specialized in orthodox teas. It produces 16 different kinds of teas under its roof. OXALIS company decided to widen its portfolio by adding five of those teas under the OXALIS Tea Factory label. One of them is the sought-after and fresh Nilgiri Winter Frost blend, which has been imported for many years. In addition to this, the company includes also a black tea Orchid, white tea Peony, green tea Maofeng and dark roasted tea Wulong into their assortment. OXALIS TEA FACTORY