OXALIS 2023 / 2024

47 COFFEE SPECIALITY COFFEE - 100% ARABICA coffee beans standard packaging (g) (2)80307 Brazil decaffeinated SWD 150 g 1 kg A blend of choice Brazilian arabica coffees that are decaffeinated by the unique Swiss Water Process. During this procedure no chemical dissolvent is utilised to remove caffeine. The coffee is soaked in a water bath where all soluble agents are washed out, including caffeine. Subsequently the water is passed through filters with active carbon, which catch the caffeine. After removing caffeine from the extract, the coffee beans are again soaked in the extract, regaining their original aroma and taste. In both the taste and aroma you can find sweetness and freshly roasted hazelnut. Overall, the coffee is light with mild acidity and body. (2)80547 Brazil Espirito Santo Village 150 g 1 kg These coffee beans come from the Serra Negra farm, which spreads out across 13 hectares near Campestre in the state of Minas Gerais. Starting out in 2016, José de Ávila Pereira and his family grow speciality coffee at the location at an average altitude of 1,100 m. This blend comprises of Red Catuai, Yellow Catuaí and Mundo varieties. The aroma and taste reveal tones of fine, strong, dark chocolate and nougat. The body is velvety and acidity sweet. (2)80211 Brazil Santos Sul de Minas 150 g 1 kg A blend of coffees from Capoeira a Colonia dos Pinheiros farms which are located in Sul de Minas region. Specific, tasting profile of this territory is reflected in balanced composition. Chocolate and nuts prevail in the taste and aroma, accompanied by a hint of apricots. The coffee has delicate, decent acidity and a rich body. (2)80548 Brazil Santos Estuário 150 g 1 kg This blend brings together 2 types of coffee from a region close to Nova Resende and Cabo Verde. Named after the suburb of Estuário in the port city of Santos, it comprises a combination of Mundo Novo and Catuai. The taste and aroma boast a subtle edge of dark chocolate with peanut, while cacao bean peel also comes through in the flavour. The coffee shows delicate body with decent acidity. 280558 El Salvador Caturra Honey - Edition 30 LIMITED 150 g - The coffee of Caturra variety from farmer Fernando Alfaro is processed by honey method which comes from the area of Ahuachapan (1250 a.s.l.). This area is endowed with volcanic soil. Variety: Caturra. Process: Honey. The aroma and taste is full of strawberries, marshmallow and brown sugar. The body is velvety with delicate acidity. (2)80522 El Salvador Santa Cristina Honey 150 g 1 kg This comprises the coffee varieties Bourbon, Pacas and Sarchimor processed by the orange honey method. This particular coffee originates from the Santa Cristina farm, owned by Ana and Rene Hernandez, which is situated in the El Balsamo Qetzaltepeq mountain range around San Salvador Volcano at the altitude of approximately 1,150 m. Tones of sweet nut and cocoa are evident in the taste and aroma. The acidity of the coffee is sweet and the body creamy. (2)80250 Etiopia Yirgacheffe 150 g 1 kg Ethiopia is considered the cradle of arabica coffee. Coffee from the southern Yirgacheffe region is grown at the altitudes of 1,500 -1,800 m. It is a washed coffee, which harks from the Reko factory in Kochere. During harvest, up to 850 small farmers take their crops there, who lack facilities for coffee manufacture. This is a complex coffee with a distinctive taste and aroma, reminiscent of exotic fruit with chocolatey tones. Its body is rich, the acidity delicate. (2)80509 Guatemala Hoja Blanca 150 g 1 kg Hoja Blanca is a cooperative that contributes with cleansing and selling coffee from small-scale growers in the highly inaccessible region of Cuilco in the Huehuetenango Department. Coffee from this area is the finest in Guatemala. Its significantly sweet aroma and taste bring to mind nougat, hazelnut and cream. Its acidity is mild and body creamy. (2)80535 India Riverdale 150 g 1 kg Washed coffee from the Riverdale Estate farm in the Eastern Ghat mountains. The owner - Prahash - is a passionate coffee grower who practices traditional processing methods solely with ripe cherries. The aroma and taste give a sense of milk chocolate and peanut. Its body is fine and sweet, while the acidity is low. (2)80555 Kenya AA Kirinyaga 150 g 1 kg This coffee is sourced from a plantation below Mt. Kenya in Kirinyaga County, where the plants grow at altitudes of 1,500 – 1,800 m in red volcanic soil. Of the Bourbon cultivar, the ripe cherries are processed in the washed manner, for which solely clean water from a local river is used. The aroma hints at apricot jam, while raspberry, redcurrant and blackberry come through in the taste. The acidity is explosive and body velvety.