OXALIS 2023 / 2024

44 MATÉ Maté is a culturally important and medicinal drink popular throughout the continent of South America. It is made from the leaves of the Ilex paraguariensis tree, originating in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, which grows to the height of 10-15 m. The beverage got its name from the Quechuan word mati, meaning drinking vessel. In colloquial Spanish, the term refers to a gourd, a plant from which traditional containers for consuming maté are made, known as calabashes. A kind of straw (a bombilla) completes the drinking vessel, through which the tea is drunk. These days, maté is also drunk from vessels of other materials, e.g. wood, metal and china, the best of these being porous to some extent. The walls of the calabash should be able to absorb the liquid, which then dries and lends later infusions a specific taste appreciated as much by experts as the beverage itself. These properties are inherent to a calabash made from a hollowed-out gourd. (9)10796 Maté Detox NEW 60 1 1 ...a tropical combination of sweet passionfruit and citrus fruits Maté 52%, orange peel, verbena leaf, ginger, licorice root, nettle leaf, chamomile flower, rose flowers, aroma. Maté contributes to the excretion of water from the body and the control of body weight. Licorice contributes to normal digestion. Nettle has an anti-inflammatory effect. (9)10010 Maté Green 60 1 1 Maté leaves. Contains caffeine. (9)10071 Maté IQ 60 1 1 ...alluring mix of pineapple, orange and spices Maté (81%), ginkgo biloba leaves, orange peel, flavouring, guarana, orange blossom, freeze-dried guava granulate (apple purée concentrate (antioxidant: ascorbic acid), guava purée, apple juice concentrate), mallow. May contain traces of nuts. Contains caffeine. May inhibit blood clotting (Ginkgo biloba). standard packaging g kg TISANES FROM SOUTH AMERICA Vilcacora Vilcacora ( Uncaria tomentosa ; commonly known as Cat’s Claw) grows in tropical forests in the Amazonian jungle at altitudes of up to 800 m. It is a woody vine with orange flowers, which only ripens after 20 years. Its strong stem entwines around other plants, reaching the length of 20-30 m. More than 30 types exist worldwide, although only Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria guyanensis contain medicinal substances, which was why the Incas considered Vilcacora to be a holy plant. Its rise in prominence in Europe is largely down to the Polish missionary and physiotherapist Edmund Szeliga, who sent samples of Vilcacora to the university in Naples for analysis. Laboratory tests confirmed his conclusions that the plant activated the immune system. (9)60074 Vilcacora (Uncaria tomentosa) 30 0.5 1 Inner layer of bark from the Vilcacora liana of South America. Supports the natural immunity of the body. standard packaging g kg (9)61097 Honeybush Cherry Kiss 60 1 1 …the taste of juicy sour cherry sweetened with honey Honeybush (78%), sour cherries (9.9%), roses, cocoa beans, flavouring. (9)61061 Honeybush Orange & Cream 60 1 1 ...mellow, mildly sweet taste of orange with creamy tones Honeybush (86%), orange peel (4%), white chocolate (sugar, dried whole milk, cocoa butter, emulsifier sunflower lecithin, natural flavouring), natural flavouring, orange blossom (1.3%), calendula flowers. (9)61073 Honeybush Spotless Mind 60 1 1 ...delicately sweet taste of herbs and mint with honey tones Honeybush (74.4%), sea buckthorn, mint, mullein. No added flavourings. standard packaging g kg