OXALIS 2023 / 2024

11 (9)20628 Turkish Black Tea 60 1 1 Black tea from Rize Province, where tea was first grown in Turkey. The small, black leaves give rise to a brown liquor with a tinge of orange. The aroma and taste are reminiscent of roasted maté, along with a smooth trace of lemon grass in flavour. TURKEY At the beginning of the 20th century, Turkey was explicitly a nation that consumed coffee. However, after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1923, supplies of coffee essentially dried up, making it an expensive commodity, which is why tea came to the fore. Earlier, in 1888, initial attempts to grow the crop proved fruitless. However, success came in 1937, when the Ministry of Agriculture imported 20 tons of tea seeds from Georgia, which were sown in Rize Province. Afterwards, plantations began to appear in other areas along the Black Sea. The company Çaykur monopolised production from 1971 until 1984, before private enterprise was permitted. In fact, Çaykur still controls 60% of the market, and Rize remains home to 65% of all tea gardens. (9)21307 Vietnam Black Tea LIMITED 30 1 1 This is a black tea harking from the Tam Duong area in Lai Chau Province, located in the north-west of Vietnam. The tea gardens in the locality nestle beneath Fansipan - the highest mountain in Indo-China. The tea is harvested by 2,000 pickers from local ethnic groups. Its long, dark brown leaves with golden tips create an infusion suggesting wild honey in aroma, while the taste is dominated by a certain sweetness, something akin to white nougat. VIETNAM Tea has been grown in Vietnam since 1825, when French settlers founded the first tea plantations. However, the development of the tea industry was hindered by continuous political unrest, hence further expansion only happened at the beginning of the 20th century. Today Vietnam produces more than 80,000 tons of black and green teas each year and several scented variations. The vast majority of green tea is consumed domestically. Conversely, black tea is mostly exported worldwide. BLACK TEA BLENDS (9)20700 English Breakfast Tea 60 1 1 An intense blend of Assam tea that combines well with milk, of the breakfast type much beloved by the British. The aroma and flavour hint at wild honey and cocoa. (9)21500 Russian Leaf Tea 60 1 1 An original blend of teas from China, Sri Lanka and India. Its dark brown leaves give an infusion that is honey-like in colour. The taste and aroma feature prune and wild honey, with a hint of orange at the close. standard packaging g kg standard packaging g kg standard packaging g kg SCENTED BLACK TEA (9)30314 Masala Chai 60 1 1 …a classic blend of Indian black tea and spices Black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves. standard packaging g kg